Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Test Class Template for Apex Triggers

Having written a lot of test methods to validate trigger functionality, I've developed a general template for writing trigger-related test methods that hopefully encompasses all of the steps needed. I believe that there must be a generic template that can be applied to 99% of the trigger test cases out there, and I hope this is a good start in that direction.

private class GenericTriggerTest {

     * Plain English description of what is being
     * tested and why.
    public static testMethod insertSObjects() {

        // Stage the test data.

        // Set parameters and expectations.
        // Which records am I using?
        // What do I expect to change or see
        // at the end of the test?

        // Validate pre-conditions.
        // Impersonate another user
        // if appropriate.

        System.assert(false, 'TODO');

        // Start the test.


        // Execute test operations.

        // Stop the test.


        // Validate the results.

        System.assert(false, 'TODO');
    }   // static insertSObjects()

     * Plain English description of what is being
     * tested and why.
    public static testMethod updateSObjects() {
        System.assert(false, 'TODO');
    }   // static updateSObjects()

     * Plain English description of what is being
     * tested and why.
    public static testMethod deleteSObjects() {
        System.assert(false, 'TODO');
    }   // static deleteSObjects()
}   // private class GenericTriggerTest

Feedback on the template will be much appreciated.